As you all know, this week has not started well, but I have accepted my mother’s passing and moving forward.

I must thank all of you who have left comments, your valuable support is greatly appreciated. For those who didn’t, don’t panic, I understand; at times like this I don’t know what to write either. I know that just by reading the last two posts you were thinking.

Lixo ironing my clean shorts

Lixo ironing my clean shorts this morning

Lixo has been a great help. He knew something wasn’t right on Sunday night and he slept on the bed all night; he hasn’t done that for months now that he is a big boy. It’s much more fun Tom-catting around the neighbourhood.

He has been helping around the house. Doing those little chores that I hate like the ironing.

I am waiting for the rain to stop so I can go to therapy the supermarket. My new fridge doesn’t have lunch. Apart from condiments and jam there is only half a roll of salami, there are two onions on the vege stand, and not a crumb of bread in the cupboard. I seriously need to buy food.

The rain has stopped.

