Yes, 9am and I’m almost done.

I have been invited to a BBQ today, the travel arrangements are a bit dicky, but if all goes well, one of my ex-students should arrive within the hour and transport me to the land of plenty, plenty of food, plenty of drink…

4492148_3b0eGrammar police… is ‘blog’ a regular verb, or should we make it irregular? As in blog, blag, blug. This and many other inconsequential thoughts course through my mind at the oddest of moments. Maybe I do drink too much coffee…

Too much coffee, no such animal.

What an absurd thought, too much coffee.

Today is World Rhino Day, I commented on this earlier in the week and it is the Nature Ramble on Eco-Crap today . Go on, go out there, find a Rhino and give it a hug, show you care.

bachinblackOne of my favourite classical pieces is Toccata and fugue in D minor, you know JS Bach stuff.

Reading last night, apparently Johann Sebastian wasn’t a good boy, which surprised me. His music is heavenly, or in the case of Toccata, a little satanic. It turns out the he was the Bachd boy of music. So intrigued was I by this revelation, I posted about it on Tomus Arcanum this morning. You can also listen to Toccata on the video clip, it gives one a good idea of how an organ (real organ) is played.

The other interesting fact about Toccata, it is said by some to be the forerunner of Heavy Metal, now there’s a thought, classical heavy metal.

Well, I must off and make myself presentable. *Turns mysteriously from a blogger to a handsome prince*
