It's this hot

It’s this hot

This morning I checked the trees in the park. During the night I remembered he had got himself stuck up one and spent some hours until I finally hear his cries from the gate. Still no sign, probably just as well, because two days stuck in a tree in this heat he would have dehydrated.

Thank you all who have commented with support, it all helps.

I went to the dentist this morning, I have a massive infection in the gum around the crook tooth. I got an antibiotic and a come back in five days. I took the first pill in the supermarket at the drinking fountain and already the pain has dissipated; I was able to eat lunch.

I just had a wonderful frontal lobe numbing avocado smoothie. I had one yesterday too. Only needs half an avocado. I bought another one today.

Christmas is well over. Nobody even mentions it now Santa Claus is no doubt relaxing somewhere.


It’s nearly 5pm, the sun is getting lower behind the trees, it will be a little cooler, time for beerless o’clock. Can’t mix booze with antibiotics. Thank heaven for 0.0% beer. I got some at the supermarket this morning, it’s like drinking beer when you’re not drinking beer.

They’ve fixed the thumb on the famous statue of Christ the Redeemer (seven days), the poor folk in Novo Friburgo still don’t have houses (two years).

I have forgotten to mention that BBB (Big Brother Brazil) started again this week, so nightly we are bombarded by TV that goes beyond pathetic. Not in my house; I switch off the TV before it starts, stupid bloody programme. Brazilians will flock to watch the banal, but care about what happens in their country, never.

