Voices telling me to do the things I didn't do yesterday

Voices telling me to do the things I didn’t do yesterday

I have been having problems with this old monitor. The screen has narrowed and now the brightness is disappearing. So I have been chasing up my techy type to get a rattle on and get my old LCD monitor back and going.

So I haven’t had the time to get this post out.

Oh, the Kick Ass virus that the students said they got from my lappy at work; turns out it is a virus that has infected their PCs at work, and not me after all.

That’s good news; at least my lappy isn’t infected.

I managed to get my List of Things to do Yesterday done today.

So I consider the day a success.

I had this many

I had this many

I had a fabulous lunch today… Hotdogs.

Okay, not so fabulous, but quick and easy.

Of course, I had Nap-fu practice afterwards; then a stroll around the park and stopped at the botequim to watch an Arsenal game.

And here I am. Hardly an exciting day.

I read that US waistlines have increased an inch in the last decade, wonderful.

Further reading was rather revealing. All those sweeteners we consume (well, not me if I can avoid them) to lose weight… well, it appears they do exactly the opposite. Saccharin, Aspartame and Sucrulose all effect the bacteria in the gut and increase blood sugar levels.

Now we have to get all the manufacturers to stop using them. Haha, fat chance! (pun intended)

The Colombian cycling team is in the news.

The new unifroms make it seem like they are naked from the waist down - Imgae BBC or Guardian, I can't remember

The new unifroms make it seem like they are naked from the waist down – Image BBC or Guardian, I can’t remember

They have been called scandalous and an affront to decency. Personally, I think it’s a hoot. There are some dull dreary people around.

That’s about the lot for today. I must get on to my mail box.
