I did it again!

What a pusillanimous excuse.

roblemalbecI missed yesterday. I was busy. I woke from my Nap-fu practice to the smell of BBQ wafting through my bedroom window. After shaking myself awake, I followed my nose… and found myself amongst genial company, BBQ smoked pork ribs and beer; and that was the day gone. I took over a bottle of Argentine Malbec and some queijo coalho (grilling cheese) on sticks, and proceeded to get genial.

It was a good thing I didn’t have classes yesterday.

WordPress has done it again. They made a new ‘My Sites’ page that I began to use as my base. It was great. Then they ‘fixed’ it; it wasn’t broken. They made it a two column affair, which was okay, but they left out the ‘new post’ link which made it about as much use as tits on a bull. I haven’t opened it since, but have rather gone back to my previous method of opening the new post page. People will meddle! I went to the WP site to complain, and they had closed comments… Pffft!

I made a breakthough the other day. I finally, after years of mystery, managed to make a transparent background .gif image on CorelDraw. Now all I have to do is remember how I did it, so that I can do it again…

Today is Marilyn Munro Day. Why? Marilyn Munro was a screen whore; why have a day for her? I’d rather she was forgotten as the miserable example she was to women. Apparently it’s also Black Cat Day, I’d rather see a black cat than MM. So we finally have to double up days so we can give everyone and everything a shot at being famous/remembered for a day.

Tomorrow is the end of October. Halloween. Another month of 2014 will have bitten the dust and become relegated to history. Only two more months of this year left… where did it all go?

A Leonardo da Vinci selfie

A Leonardo da Vinci selfie

Selfies have become the scourge of the internet.

Anybody with a digital camera or cellphone takes them with abandon.

But selfies are not a new idea, they’ve been around for centuries. Leonardo da Vinci, among many toher artists, took selfies. And they were a damned sight better than digital ones.

I finished the asparagus for a morning snack. My pee won’t smell funny anymore.

It’s lunch time, I’ve missed most of the news by posting this. Time just flies when you’re having fun.

Lunch today the last of the fish.

Tomorrow will have to be a supermarket day.

Hot hot day out there. The sun is very intense, so I’m staying inside under the fan with iced water.
