
Castle Point Lagoon

AH, but which point? You may well ask.

No, not Castle Point in New Zealand, pretty and idyllic though it is; nor am I stalking about PowerPoint, nor indeed an exclamation point.

Neither am I referring to pointing a gun, nor point blank (although the ‘blank’ bit referring to my mind is a possiblility – that’s why I am waffling until inspiration strikes).

I am referring to a point in time.

Point in Time - image: David Middlebrook

Point in Time – image: David Middlebrook

“Paleolithic fossils help us determine points in time. The scale of this replica of the sacred Egyptian “Ibis” bird skull is referring to a possible future point in time. The balancing block of basalt was formed in the Cretaceous period 65 million years ago when the last great extinction of the dinosaurs took place. The lone survivors became the birds of today”… – Read more

Yes, this particular point in time is nearly 10am and this is the last blog post of the day.

I have surpassed myself, I have excelled, I have… well, I have.

Saturdays are often an easy blog-load, because there is not a lot of thinking, rather it is choosing. Finding images and ideas that suit the Satireday on theme on most blogs, ideas that are both satire and/or funny, and that suit the general theme of each blog. On Nether Region, it is always Caturday, and I collect cat LOLs and Memes throughout the week during my browsing. Whatever keywords you put in a search engine, you are almost guaranteed there is a ‘cat’ image somewhere along the line.

So now that I have completed my blogging obligations, I should, begrudgingly, look after the house. I could start with the dishes, but the use of ‘could’ denotes a certain level of unwillingness, or improbability; and that’s how I feel about the dishes.

I may (strong possibility) cook bacon and eggs for breakfast, now that’s a good idea. It does have a drawback though, it creates more dishes, which take me back to the ‘could’ dilemma.

Life is a vicious circle.

Here’s an example of a vicious circle…

See what I mean?

cachaca_51The bacon and egg idea appeals, because it may be (strong possibility again) beer o’clock by then.

But then I have to spend money, which I don’t have much of this month…

Another vicious circle!

I will probably (stronger possibility than ‘may’) put a bottle of wine in the freezer and take that to the bar when suitably chilled. Or I might (weaker possibility) make a caipirinha and take that to the bar, but they have a propensity to get one plastered, not  prospect that I enjoy.

Despite the most popular brand of cachaça (sugar cane brandy) being 51, which is synonymous (because of a TV ad) with being a good idea. Drinking it before the sun is over the yard arm is most certainly NOT a good idea. Because a caipirinha doesn’t last long, and then you need another, and….

See, yet another vicious circle.

Caipirinha mit Limonen

Even the German site I got this image from says ‘Limetten‘ (lime) It’s bullshit!

A caipirinha is very much like a women’s breasts…. one is not enough! They really are so yummy, if they’re made properly with green lemons.

AH, I hear you all, “green lemons are limes!” No, they are not! This, sadly, is an American supposition; if it’s green then it’s a lime, because lemons are yellow. Lemons are sour, limes are sweeter. Here in Brazil, we have green lemons, and it is those green lemons that are used in a caipirinha. The net is full of this erroneous idea that a caipirinha is made with limes. If you make use limes in a caipirinha recipe, or indeed any other fruit, it then becomes a batida, which is NOT a caipirinha!

This is a pet hate of mine on the internet. Along with Brazilian waiters, who should know better, asking if I want a caipirinha made with cachaça or vodka. If it’s made with vodka, then it is a caipivodka, or caipiroska. If I wanted one, I’d ask for it!

It’s now heading towards eleven, a good hour to have breakfast on the weekend.

So I will leave you with this thought, it’s hard being an English teacher, you know too much about the language; sometimes I yearn for the days when I could write without having to justify (to myself) the use of modal verbs.
