Tag Archive: spider

Not as planned

only-reason-i-have-a-kitchenMy lunch yesterday didn’t go as planned, it didn’t even become dinner. In fact, it just didn’t!

I mentioned that I was late in taking the fish out of the freezer, well, with the cooler weather we had yesterday and, I might add, today, it didn’t defrost.

So by 5pm, my stomach was grumbling seriously.

I had some ready-made pastel pastry in the fridge, make pasteis, I thought. Wasn’t a good idea. The filling, despite being in the fridge for two days didn’t taste right. Out they went with the remainder of the filling. Cheese, that’s a good backup filling. Got distracted and burnt them. Not quite to a crisp, but a lot darker than they should have been.


I ate them anyway, I was hungry.

It’s now 11am, and my stomach is feeling neglected.

The fish has thawed in the fridge overnight, so I’ll try, try again.

Things don’t always go as planned.

Rained again last night, and the dark clouds say that it will again today. My first student has cancelled, I just have a group at 6pm.

The kitchen is in shock… I did the dishes. Highlight of the day so far.

Clorinha has just bounced in the window, one leap on to the bed, and instantly collapsed into a deep sleep as only cats can do.

She has regressed. Pooped twice in the shower yesterday, and today I caught her under the kitchen sink about to do the same. I hauled her out by the tail and dumped her with less than no ceremony in the dirt box. It was then I discovered that it wasn’t the only poop under the sink.

I have better things to do with my life than cleaning up poop after a kitty. Her dirt box is clean, I changed the sand yesterday. I have to figure out what’s going on in that little feline brain.

This tickled my fancy the other day.


Meanwhile, back to the kitchen.


I’m in Between

creativityfluidAnd I’m sweating because it’s not worth shedding my clothes only to put them on again in an hour.

I’m in between one class and the next. I had things so beautifully planned today, five hours straight teaching, then my second student cancelled and made a hole right in the middle.

If this had happened yesterday, I would have expected it. I mean Monday is the day for this type of shit to hit the fan.

I seriously need some creativity fluid.

Talking of fans, I am buying two new ones tomorrow. I have one broken and one that is on crutches and likely to topple at any given moment. Last two days have been 40+ºC (that’s 106+ºF), that’s hot enough to deep fry chocolate left on the bench. Today is not so, but abafado (hot and stuffy). Last night, the fan on crutches was making grating sounds, it took me more than an hour to shut it up and run quietly. The one I have in the bedroom is essential for sleeping and blogging; which means that watching TV raises more than a sweat even with the door and windows open.

I read today that American drone use constitutes a war crime. Let’s see how many Americans are prosecuted. This’ll be interesting.

It was reported on Twitter, during the FaceBook outage yesterday, that there were people roaming the streets with baby photos begging for ‘Likes’.

I saw this yesterday; tickled my fancy…


I almost felt sorry for the spider.
