Tag Archive: net

Not taking any chances

firefoxwindowsThe fridge is up and the net is fixed.

I’m not taking any chances and am getting this post in while the going’s good.

I would have been further ahead if FireFox hadn’t just crashed, and I am rewriting what I had just written.

The techy type from up the road came by yesterday and got the fridge to make the right noises again. Now 24 hours later, it’s still making those noises; music to my ears after seven days without a fridge.

Now I have the unpleasant task of cleaning out the fridge. All the perishables have gone, but I discovered ghastly maggots in the old water in the bottom tray… Ooooh they’re on my nasty list. One of the beasties of this world I hate.

Another hot day, just like yesterday. Only made bearable by the wind.

I really must go shopping. Now that I am sure the fridge is fridgificating again, I have to fill it in order to eat.

anorexicak47Silly Box: The AK-47, the world’s most recognisable gun has been remodlled. Honestly, it looks terrible. It looks like it has anorexia. Just what the world needs, an anorexic machine gun.

More from the silly box: North Korea has banned anyone from using Kim Jong-un’s name. ANyone sharing the name must change it. Talk about paranoia.

Cigarettes in South Korea are now 80% more expensive… This anti-smoking shit is a great money spinner. I read the other day that smoking can actually be beneficial. Oh, you don’t believe me… Check this article out.

More on smoking. Apparently these e-Cigarettes have 20x more formaldehyde than the product they are replacing.

I’m off to enjoy the sun and a lunchtime beer.


Don’t Panic

My lack of posts since Saturday is due to my ISP going down on Saturday morning.

I am taking advantage of the work link.

Similarly, I can’t access my emails, so comments are remaining unanswered in the meantime.


Totally Screwed, an Addendum

Although I wasn't under the weather last night, I still feel like this

Although I wasn’t under the weather last night, I still feel like this

Happy New Year!

I am still totally screwed, the net access is still terrible, and no server attendance until tomorrow.

The connection is so bad that most blogs I visit will not load ‘Likes’, so I can’t register my appearance. If you have visited my blog recently, be assured that I have been to yours for a reciprocal visit.

I have just cleaned out my inbox, and visited everybody. Because of the net problems, my inbox became rather full and I felt duty bound to empty it before starting on the task of New Year’s Day posts.

My New Year was very quiet, well, the evening was. I spent it at home with Cloro and was in bed by 10:30. Cloro was not impressed by the ‘big bangs’ at midnight, and despíte my comforting him, he finally beat a hasty retreat and spent the rest of the night under the dresser in my room.

The afternoon I spent in the company of the fregües at the botequim. Oh, I said that already… yesterday 🙂

If you have sent a ‘Like’ or a comment, be assured that I am receiving them, somewhat sporadically but they do get here and make appreciated reading, and will be replied to in due course.

Well, not one of my blogs came close to breaking the 1,000 visits barrier last month, so please try harder in the New Year.

I was amused at Putin’s remark that he is going to eradicate terrorism following the two Volgograd explosions. The Americans have been promising the same thing since 2001 and they haven’t achieved it either.

So to all of you who feel like this…


I wish you a speedy recovery.

Totally Screwed!

I have been

I have been

Yup, screwed, totally and unreservedly.

More than 24 hours without reasonable net access.

I am a tad more than miffed.

My levels of tolerance have risen beyond those that one considers reasonable.

For me the (one of the) most important dates of the year, and I had reasonable access between 6am and 8:20 and managed two posts; since then nothing. I can read emails and notifications, but I can’t do a bloody thing about them. I have sort of managed to read the news.

The patience required to get this post, piecemeal though it is, ready has grossly surpassed my normal limits.

I spend the afternoon in despair, also at the botequim where I entertained the fregües (regulars) with whisky, Drambuie and  Tequila, all of which left me three sheets in the wind.

Nap needed.

Now, I find that I have some access o the net and am jumping, ney, leapingatthe chance to wish you all a

Happy New Year 2014

The graphic that I had planned will not upload, gives you an idea of the problems I am facing.

Yay, made it, finally

Yay, made it, finally

The rain has started. It has been threatening for three days, and now it is pissing persisting down with thunder and lightning.


I am receiving notifications of comments okay, just the replying is erratic.

Hopefully, when I press the ‘post’ button, something will happen.

Until next year.

I’m trying, really trying

I really am.

This is a little beer, I had big boys' beers

This is a little beer, I had big boys’ beers

These things happen on Mondays, not Saturdays.

First the power went out, so I did the only sensible thing; I went to the botequim for a beer.

After the first beer the power was still out, so the only sensible thing to do was have another beer.

At the end of that beer, the power was still out and I needed relief, so off to the toilet; I had forgotten the power was out and it was really dark in there. But no problem, I remembered where I put it and I remembered where the urinal was, so the mission was completed.

The power was still out, so the only sensible thing to do… was have another beer.

The power came on, fortunately about the same time as I finished the third beer.

Home, turned on PC, started no problems. Logged in to net, no problems. Had a nap, no problems. Woke up, and I had been disconnected.

Tried connecting, tried again, and again the little vela (candle = activity light in PC) flickered, then unflickered, then flickered again, and… this was getting boring. Looked out the window. Sky across the park looked sort of like this:


Which explained the ominous rumbling that was getting closer. Thunder, so I started writing this post between flickrs and unflickers, now it seems to be flickering okay.

When I left the botequim, the day was scorching hot, so hot it made me sweat just lifting the glass; and now an hour + later, thunder.

Me thinks we are in for rain.

Last night was a bit limp. Yes, we had free beer, but the food amounted to snacks. I had saved myself all day for dinner, and they served snacks. Not amused. Didn’t win the tablet, but I got a T-shirt as a booby prize. A T-shirt with the company logo, no less.

So as the first wave of leavers got up to leave, I did too, smiling politely; and went off to the sushi restaurant for a real dinner.

Murky green, caldo looks a bit grotty, but tastes great

Murky green, caldo looks a bit grotty, but tastes great

Got the bus home okay, got off at the wrong stop; three stops too early. Dying of thirst, wasabi does that, found a cafe open with fresh caldo de cana (sugar cane juice).

One of my ex-students was there with wife and daughters, the younger of whom pointed out that I had dribbled soya sauce all down my front…

How embarrassing! I had walked through the posh mall, caught the bus, walked through the bus station, totally unaware.

After that encounter I walked home totally conscious of the brown stain down my front.

Slept terribly, up on an hourly basis with thirst.

Which basically brings me here, all blogs posted, and I have successfully told my tale of woe. Even if I did manage to post one post on the wrong blog.
