BBQ hotdogs

BBQ hotdogs

I have four hotdogs in the fridge for lunch.

How do I cook them, and what wine do you serve with hotdogs and ketchup?

Or is that being too much of a peasant?

I am thinking of BBQing them to add an air of respectability, made even more respectable by wrapping them in bacon. Ah, bacon… the duct tape of cuisine.

But there still remains the question of what wine do I open?

The taxing decisions one must make on a Sunday…

So much for a day of rest.

Door knockers

Door knockers

Bloody pedlars of religion! Yes, on a Sunday, shouldn’t they be in church and not knocking on my gate ruining my inspiration?

Now, where was I?

I hate door knockers!

My 1,002 Twitter followers was short lived, and getting shorter… 998/997/998/996.

I have noticed recently when visiting new blogs that some are so complicated.

Really, you need a GPS to navigate some.

I just click and get out of there, can’t be bothered, even if some of the content appears good; the complications detract.

I try to keep my blogs simple, classy but simple to navigate, just a couple of pages and the main blog with a side column.  Some blogs have a plethora of pages with titles so long they could be a book in their own right; why?

600px-Firefox_logo.svgI hate this new FireFox! Ever since they moved the navigation and favourites bars it has become a nightmare.

Another complication issue.

If it’s working okay, don’t freakin’ well fix it.

Headline news: Some boxing celeb, Malone,  has changed sex; he’s now a she. I hope he/she is happy now.

But do we really need to know this?

I feel a Nap-fu coming on…

My Nap-unfued…

And I am no further ahead with something to write.

I had hoped that there would be a BBQ at the botequim, which would have made it not necessary to light my own for lunch. As the sky has clouded over during my Nap-fu, I am debating the issue in my head. Forget about lunch and just have the wine…

It’s Sunday, after all, who cares?

Before I go, I’ll leave you with this thought. As an English teacher I was amused, it tickled my fancy; I do like my fancy tickled occasionally.

