downloadYes, I am downloading birthday 64.

It’ll take about a year.

I should be making potato salad, and tomatoes and cucumber, and lettuce salad, and lots of other stuff.

But I am here, with my coffee at 11am for a noon start. I am banking that the ex will be late, she always is, but then just when I expect her to be late, she’ll arrive at the appointed hour. This could be worthy of a Monday.

My beer tankard never looked like this, people kept filling it up

My beer tankard never looked like this, people kept filling it up

Last night’s BBQ was a success, nothing really to report, and no photos.

Started at roughly four finished at roughly 9:30. I was in bed at 10 (bugger the dishes) roughly trying to go to sleep.

I finally succumbed, and slept peacefully.

I have swept a part of the praça. the area I want to use was covered with fallen leaves.

Yesterday was a busier day than I imagined. The previous night I had saved an old cabinet of sorts from the rubbish, and I had set about making it suitable to use in the kitchen.

It was also going to replace the grotty old thing I have used for the last five years.

Grotty old thing, but it sufficed

Grotty old thing, but it sufficed

And the result of my labours…

A new grotty old thing

A new grotty old thing

When I got it home it was just the top, sides, back and runners for drawers. I added a base plate and two shelves from old wardrobe (closet) sides that I got from the same dump. It’s not fancy, but it’s better than what I had. By the time I had finished, I was exhausted and my back was aching from the exertions of carrying stuff; the dump was about a half kilometre from home, some 500 yards. Doesn’t sound much but when you are on a walking stick, it’s a bloody long way.

I have often alluded to the ‘eleven metres from my gate to the bar’. Here is that eleven metres.

So far from the botequim...

So far from the botequim…

My gate on the right, my neighbour’s gate, then… bliss.

See the plants I have in front, one of them is so colourful.

My colourful plant

My colourful plant

I have another by the front door.

A few weeks ago, I snapped a twig off my beefsteak, and put it in a glass of water to propagate like the original, but all the leaves fell off and I thought it had died. But, I neglected to throw it out. This morning I discovered…

Beefsteak shoot

Beefsteak shoot

Sometimes it pays to be forgetful. Roll on dementia!

Now I’m off to begin the salads. My posting for the day is complete.
