Indeed, I was all a dither.

No, no, not with the football, that was to come later.


It’s not a myth, my sink does have a bottom

I actually got so carried away that I did the dishes.

Yes, I found the bottom of the kitchen sink… it’s still there.

Such a rare and momentous occasion, I took a photo, because I know by comments, that some may actually doubt that the bottom of my kitchen sink is ever visible.

Anticipating the cup already

Anticipating the cup already

Later, I got all excited again. This time it was the football. Brazil vs Chile. I wore my new investment.

We had a good crowd at the botequim. I wasn’t the only one dressed in his Brazilian finery. We had our funny hats too.

Esstential tools for football watching

Essential tools for football watching

Following the win, I broke out my bottle of Johnny Walker reserved for such occasions.


We settled down for the two hour wait for the next game Colombia vs Uruguay, Colombia sent Uruguay packing 2-0.

So Brazil plays Colombia in the quarter finals.

Much merriment, as can be seen in the following video clip.

So, I got all excited twice yesterday.

Now, I’m off to watch the rest of Holland vs Mexico…
