halfamindYes, I am of half a mind.

But I don’t know if it’s the left half or the right.

It did rain yesterday. About a half hour after I had declared the sky had blued, it unblued quickly as clouds came over fast. The rain started about 7pm during pizza and beer which was interruped by the need to trot off home and put on a T-shirt as the temperature dropped faster than the rain.

I got to class last night and waited for my students, and waited and waited… Finally the magic hour arrived in which I needed wait no longer and I toddled off home again.

Today is cool, it rained all night and my planned sushi evening for the botequim has been put on hold. It will be BBQ instead; befitting the weather.

Last night, right about the time I turn off the TV and concentrate on the net, there was none. Something had happened at the ISP, and it only returned after 10am. Which means a late start. I normally start my day’s blogging about 6, or there abouts. So I am behind and it sort of screws up my plans for the day. It was about this time I had planned to be AT the supermarket, but here I am writing my first post of the day and cope with caffeine withdrawal.

The first two buds on my passion fruit vines

The first two buds on my passion fruit vines

My passion fruit vines will have their first flowers today or tomorrow. There are many more buds forming.

My guava tree has guavaed, and I am waiting for the first fruit to grow bigger and ripen.

I finally had to pull out my first chilli bush. After four years of producing chillis, it browned off and died.

No classes today, just two hours tomorrow morning, then that’s it until Tuesday.

Headline news: The Vatican has discovered money. Apparently salted away that no-one knew about; some hundreds of millions… not to be sneezed at.

Silly Box: UKIP in Britain has told women don’t breastfeed ostentatiously so as to embarrass anyone. Nick Farage said it was fine for a woman to be asked to “perhaps sit in a corner”.

Go and sit in the corner…

The Ass!

And this man wants to lead Britain?

The people who are embarrassed by breast feeding should be told to go and sit in the freakin’ corner, next to Nick Farage; the one with the dunce hat.

Nick Farage in a hole, stupid ass

Nick Farage in a hole, stupid ass

Businesses who take umbrage at breastfeeding mothers should be closed down as enemies of humanity, including Claridges which has a discretion policy on the matter. Breastfeeding mothers should feel a pride, not to be made to feel like freaks. Perhaps Bottle feeding mothers should be made to sit in the corner instead; as they are an embarrassment to motherhood.

This issue really tweaks my tits!

Now that I have got that off my chest, I’m off to the supermarket, maybe just a couple of quick posts first.

Dreaming of rump steak, liver, garlic bread and pork belly…
