baden_baden_stout_dark_ale_I mentioned yesterday that I had bought two bottles of stout in the supermarket.

It featured in my post What beer be this? today.

It’s bloody horrid. Not all stout-like. It has a brown head instead of the lovely near white of Guinness.

I had it with lunch. Now I can drink most things but the last inch went down the sink along with the rest of the bottle.

Life is full of disappointments.

The other bottle has left the fridge and will remain on the shelf until I can give it away.

All this unrest in the world. If the governments were doing their jobs, there wouldn’t be unrest. The unrest is simply the people saying “we’re not freakin’ happy.” Yesterday Rio returned to violence after the rise in bus fares which caused the original unrest in October. Now there is unrest in Bosnia along with the continued problem in Ukraine.

Why are the police attacking the protesters?

Why aren’t the police attacking the government for bad policies?

The paradigm is all up the shit. The problem is not the people, the problems lie squarely at the feet of the governments.

It is my opinion that anyone who wants to be a politician should be taken out the back and shot because they are inherently evil. Politicians should be elected from those nominated by the people, not chosen by political parties. The party system is crap, and gives us shitty politicians as a result.

I went out for sushi last night after work. I love my sushi, also it’s healthy. But I had too much wasabi and spent the night trotting off to the kitchen for iced water; so a very disturbed night.

The heat continues. Although this afternoon there has been some cloud, but it hasn’t reduced the heat. Hopefully the sun will be behind a cloud when I have to walk to work.

I posted this on another blog yesterday.


Are there really people that bloody stupid?

For pities sake, Jesus wrote the Bible, and he did it in English…

Honestly, there are some people who need a brain transplant.

Must get ready to look like a teacher.

Oh, tomorrow is Saturday, so…

