onemorebeerToday is my first screwed up Saturday.

Class at 9:00, then again at noon. Home after 1:30pm.

I don’t like working Saturdays. Saturday is a day for beer and rest, then more beer. Repeat.

But, alas, not today.

I have been up posting since before five. By the time I get home, I’ll be knackered and only fit for Nap-fu practice.

This will probably be my last post today as I haven’t found anything suitable yet for Tomus.

My blog load for Satireday is usually light, except for here where I actually have to write something meaningful.

Looks like being a lovely sunny day out there. But it’s 7am, that could change.

Looks like my Twitter followers have broken the 1,000 barrier to stay, had 1,005 yesterday but that’s dropped to 1,003. I’m not overly worried, but it’s fun to watch the ups and downs.

bucket-list-picI saw a reference to ‘bucket lists’ yesterday. I don’t need a bucket list, I have a life.

To me a bucket list smacks of one-up-man-ship, keeping up with the Jones’, both attitudes that I hate.

My bucket list, if I had one would be things like wash the dishes, water the plants, sweep the yard and stuff. It may sound boring, but it’s life.

I was thinking the other day about these crazy people Boko Harum. The name means something like against western education. But they’re a bunch of hypocrites, they use guns and the internet… aren’t they the result of ‘western education’?

Putin’ his finger in the pie again. Warning the ‘west’ that there will be a reaction to more sanctions. Obviously the sanctions are hurting Russia more than he admits. He has hit back with sanctions of his own, but his sanctions are hurting his people more than the west. Terrible thing when your credibility is on the line.

grass greenerMy view of this Ukraine crisis is simple. If you don’t like Ukraine, or want to be Russian, bugger off over the boarder to Russia and be Russian.

If you think the grass is greener, jump the fence and find out if it really is.

I would hazard a guess and say that Russia wouldn’t like that, you wouldn’t be welcome.

That’s not the reason that Russia is interferring in Ukraine. They want a land corridor to Crimea.

The story does not end with this ceasefire; which I’m betting won’t last a week. Somebody will be putin’ his finger in the pie again.

I need more coffee!

Here’s thought… an irreverent one, but nevertheless a thought.

Skydome in Sketchup

Skydome in Sketchup

3D modeling is like “playing God” (in secular and vague terms) …

In the beginning God downloaded SketchUp. Now the earth was formless and empty, green was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over a blank canvas.

And God said —using the controls in the Shadows Settings dialog box at Window > Shadows, “Let there be light,” and He manipulated the shadows and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “UTC+01:00 13:30 11/8,” and the darkness He called “UTC+01:00 17:33 11/8.” And there was evening, and there was morning. God saved the settings —the first day.

Want to read more… Damantigui’s Blog

I suppose I must move along and prepare myself to look like a teacher, instead of a blogger still in his pyjamas…

*switches to teaching mode*
